Author Archives: Agent Image

These 5 Amazing Pointers Will Help Get Over Failure. This’ll Help Your Small Business Too!

Failing is a natural thing. It happens to the worst and the best of us. There’s nothing wrong with that because we are all human and it’s really part of our nature to falter. What’s different between each and every individual is our ability to assess failure and to get back up after a nasty fall. The following is a list of pointers you need to absorb relating to Failure and how you can get back from it. You are not the only person who’s experienced failures. Every important figure in history suffered from loss and failure during the course […]

5 Variables that Cause Poor Decision Making

A business will falter terribly if it continually suffers from poor decision making by management. It’s similar to how a battle is more likely to lose if the commander or the general did not plan the attack well enough. We cannot change that as much as we want. We can, however, improve on the quality of the decisions that are being made by the leaders and the heads of the organization. That’s highly plausible and really likely to happen. Here are the five biggest variables that contribute to a company head or leaders’ poor decision making: Biases We can never […]

The 3 Hiring Mistakes Small Business Owners Commit

Any small business manager knows that there is a large influx of money that can come from hiring the best people for their business. They also know that when the opposite occurs, it tends to siphon the company’s funds into repeating the hiring process all over again. There’s a myriad of reasons as to why managers pick the wrong candidates but so far the items listed below are the most common reasons for picking the wrong individual for the job. Pressure One of the biggest problems that people encounter when trying to find the best candidates is the pressure of […]

A Refresher on Mistakes Committed While Domain Shopping

Buying a domain can be loads of fun especially when you are a new business or entity. But that feeling of delight may soon turn to dread the moment you hit a snag on your domain buying. Not only is that going to be a problem that you have to carry throughout the day, it’s also counterproductive for your business. So here are some of the pointers that you should remember when you are looking to buy a new domain or build a new website for your business or company: Always go for a “.com” website – there are a […]

Manage Your Social Media Posts

Creating an online presence for your business is important nowadays. Consumers are now looking for solutions online and it could be you.  Have you reviewed your updates or tweets?  Fine-tune your social media posts with these 5 tips: Start small. If posting once a day is still a bit much, put up posts thrice a week. Set your timing.

Get Rid of These 5 Elements From Your Website

While having a lot of ideas is great, implementing them into a website in an unorganized way will make things confusing for your website visitors when they navigate through your site.  Increase your website’s effectiveness and improve your business website by getting rid of these 5 elements:   Confusing Animation Animations tend to have a big file size and therefore take a while to load. It’s best to test how much time your animation takes to load. If it takes too long, scrap it.

Negativity Can Be Good For Your Business

Researchers have discovered that negative reviews make businesses seem credible and can increase exposure to positive reviews as well.      

5 Reasons Why Ugly Websites Exist

Besides the large companies and retailers, most website designs are bad-looking and ineffective.  There are a great deal of reasons as to why this is so, but listed below are the 5 most common reasons why ugly websites exist.   1. The Do-It-Yourself Mentality. Just because some people have a basic understanding of codes and know basic color combinations, they think it’s easy to design a website. The problem is that these designs lack a touch of professionalism and more often than not, would contain excessive elements.

3 Ways to Get Fans Active on Your Facebook Page

One of the biggest challenges on Facebook for small businesses is how to keep their fans frequently engaged.  Other than that, Facebook’s algorithm for showing your page’s posts is dependent on how much user interaction is coming to your page  How do you work with that?   Here are 3 ways you can get your fans active on your Facebook page. 1. Spice Up Your Status Updates. Word your updates in fun or quirky way such as “We’re concocting a new item on the menu! It looks like uncooked pasta dipped in peanut butter.” Don’t forget to add a call […]

6 Web Elements to Avoid for Real Estate Websites

Having a professional-looking agent website is important because they are the first impression a potential client will have of you.  It will also help them decide if you are the right agent they should do business with.  Here are 6 web elements you don’t want on your real estate site.     Unprofessional portraits. Having a professional profile photo on your website is expected.  After all, you represent your business’s image, so have your photo taken by a professional photographer.

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