While having a lot of ideas is great, implementing them into a website in an unorganized way will make things confusing for your website visitors when they navigate through your site.  Increase your website’s effectiveness and improve your business website by getting rid of these 5 elements:


Confusing Animation

  • Animations tend to have a big file size and therefore take a while to load.
  • It’s best to test how much time your animation takes to load. If it takes too long, scrap it.

Industry Lingo

  • It’s a no-no to presume that your visitors know your industry’s terms.
  • Before finalizing the content for your website, go through it and look for uncommon terms and change them or add a simple defined explanation.

Excessive Amounts of Images

  • Pictures or images are nice and essential as they help tell a story and catch your visitor’s attention.
  • Just like an image slideshow, too many photos will make page loading times longer.
  • Go through your images  and decide which ones are important enough to keep. The rest can go to the bin.

Blocks of Text

  • You don’t want your visitors having this sentiment: TLDR (Too Long; Didn’t Read).
  • Instead of putting a whole bunch of topics on one page, divide them into subpages and add links for visitors who are interested in knowing more about a certain aspect of your product or service.

Contact Forms

  • You are likely to receive spam with a contact form on your website.
  • Use a landing page instead as it is a targeted web page coming from an advertisement or search result of your business.  At the very least, you know that these leads are people who are looking for your product or services.

Are there other website elements you think should be chucked into the digital trash bin?  Let us know in Twitter and Facebook!

Posted on January 31, 2013 by

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